Park City Event Photographer

Park City Event Photographer

Park City Event Photographer  Snowboarding while working, am I in a dream?! I covered the snowboarders on Park city mountain and my associate covered the skiers at Deer Valley. The snow was great and everyone had fun. This Park City event was out of this...
Katy | Denver Headshots

Katy | Denver Headshots

Professional Branding Headshots | Katy Denver Headshots, professional branding, updated headshot. Katy’s last headshots were in college. Longer hair, fresh glasses and a new job, it was time to update them. She wanted something that was contemporary and classy....
Raymond Branding Headshots | Denver. CO

Raymond Branding Headshots | Denver. CO

 Branding Headshots, Denver, CO   “I had Laura do a photo shoot of me for pictures usable on my new website. I thought it was great… The shoot took close to an hour at her studio, and she got a lot of great action shots as well as posed shots. I...
Highlands Ranch Lifestyle Magazine | Editorial Photographer

Highlands Ranch Lifestyle Magazine | Editorial Photographer

Anyone who lives in Colorado knows, and most likely enjoys the huge microbrew culture. Lone Tree Brewing Company is definitely making a name for itself in this industry. On assignment for Highlands Ranch Style Magazine, I got a tour of the operation. Steam coming out...