Katy | Denver Headshots

Katy | Denver Headshots

Professional Branding Headshots | Katy Denver Headshots, professional branding, updated headshot. Katy’s last headshots were in college. Longer hair, fresh glasses and a new job, it was time to update them. She wanted something that was contemporary and classy....
Pure Barre Pop-up | Red Rocks Amphitheater

Pure Barre Pop-up | Red Rocks Amphitheater

Pure Barre Pop-up | Red Rocks Amphitheater If you know me at all, you will know I LOVE Pure Barre. No other workout holds a candle to it. I have been going to Pure Barre for over 6 years. I learned about it in Las Vegas when one of my best friends read about it and...
Highlands Ranch Lifestyle Magazine | Editorial Photographer

Highlands Ranch Lifestyle Magazine | Editorial Photographer

Anyone who lives in Colorado knows, and most likely enjoys the huge microbrew culture. Lone Tree Brewing Company is definitely making a name for itself in this industry. On assignment for Highlands Ranch Style Magazine, I got a tour of the operation. Steam coming out...