Marina’s Real Estate Headshot Session

headshot real estate agent on white

Marina is a top notch realtor at Posh Realty. She settled in Denver 18 years ago and has made this city her home. She is a high octane agent that you should trust with your next home purchase. She is knowledgable, personable, and fun!

Having a great headshot is very important for realtors. Potential clients check you out online and want to connect with you before they even meet you. Keeping headshots current can be easy if you have the right photographer (me!) Marina hadn’t had an updated headshot in 10 years. I think we worked together well for a great result. We did a few different looks and backdrops so that she would have different options for social media, website, business cards and more.

real estate agent headshot in Denver


Marina will be able to use these images to grow her business and show a professional image to the world. Having a great headshot is a great ROI and can take your business to the next level.

Are you starting a career in real estate?

Have you been in real estate for a while and you’re still using the headshot from 1995?

There are a few different packages for a headshot session. We can do a quick 1-2 pose session that includes 2 final retouched images. I can have you comfortable with a natural look in minutes. The second option is a branding headshot session, we spend 30-45 minutes together, where we can do different outfits and looks so you have alternatives for your marketing while keeping them on brand.

Another headshot option is to do a group session. We can come to your office and photograph the whole team. This can be a studio set up in a conference room, finding a great spot in the office or outdoor. This will leave you with consistent headshots for all of your agents that are awesome . We can also match images when you add new team members. We have handled groups large and small and would love to see how we can take care of you.

Call Laura Black Cherry Photo to schedule your headshot today! 702-499-6222

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