Hello all!

I don’t do a ton of personal posts, and I don’t do a lot of Newborn photos…so this is a special occasion. I would like to present our baby boy, Owen Danger Kinser!

black and white newborn photo on chair, chevron

Born Dec 13, 2015 2:35am 7lbs 9.5 oz. 20.5in

We are big fans of the 13th. Chris and I got married on Friday the 13th, we bought our first house on the 13th and now this awesome dude joined our family on Dec 13th. Everyone is healthy and settling in well.

I took these images about 1 week after Owen was born. I had planned to have these done before Christmas, and then life with a newborn happened. I chose sleep over editing, haha. Owen has grown a lot since then and I plan to do some more photos soon.

A big thank you to everyone who has supported us in this new adventure, we are truly blessed.

#OwenDanger #momlife