Why are the trees in Denver blue? | Denver Photographer

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If you are walking through the Denver Arts District or right outside the Colorado Convention Center you will find that the trees have been painted blue. This has made us all ask so many questions. Especially, why? And, who?

Who? The mastermind behind this work is international sculpture and conceptual artist Konstantin Dimopoulos.  “I want people to notice the trees,” Dimopoulos explained, “to see them as more than just wallpaper in their lives. Change can be threatening. Changing a local environment through color is both disconcerting and even uncomfortable.”

Why are the trees in Denver Blue? | Denver Photographer, big blue bear, Colorado convention center, Kon art project, blue trees, man in fishing hat, man with grey hair, portrait of Kon, artist portrait

Why? As a sculptor, performance and installation artist, Kon creates artworks that are grounded in his sociological and humanist philosophies. In his environmental installation, The Blue Trees, the color and the Tree come together to transform and affect each other; the color changing the Tree into something surreal, something out of this world. While the Tree, rooted in this earth reflects what we may lose. This change is important not only as a means to highlight ecological issues, such as the ecocide of our forests, but also that it may effect a transformation in the psyche of people by raising our social consciousness.


Is it safe for the trees? Yes! The blue paint is biologically-safe, water-based and non-permanent. And though it doesn’t leave a permanent impact on its environment, Dimopoulos believes it can permanently influence how people perceive their daily surroundings.

Why are the trees in Denver Blue? | Denver Photographer, big blue bear, Colorado convention center, Kon art project, blue trees, man in fishing hat, man with grey hair, portrait of Kon, artist portrait, couple in from to CCCblue bear, CCC photographer

Where else can we enjoy his thought provoking work? Konstantin has taken his project all over the world, including London, Singapore and many cities in the U.S., making millions of people ask, “Why are the trees blue?”.

Why are the trees in Denver Blue? | Denver Photographer, big blue bear, Colorado convention center, Kon art project, blue trees, man in fishing hat, man with grey hair, portrait of Kon, artist portrait,

I was lucky enough to be photographing a convention at the Colorado Convention Center when they were working on painting the trees. I got to meet Kon and photograph him with his trees. He is a great man who loves the environment and has an out-of-the-box solution to getting people involved. The Blue Trees are such a fun addition to Denver’s downtown landscape. I smile every time I am driving down 15th street or near the DPAC.
